Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2 Years Old!

It's hard to believe, but last week our little boy turned 2!! It's a major milestone as the doctors in the NICU always said that although Luke would start off "behind" developmentally for his age, by age two, he should have caught up as most preemies do. And for the most part, he has. He is still a little guy for his age, having just cracked the 20 pound mark, but he is super smart and perfect in almost every way. Of course he has his moments like all toddlers where he gets a little cranky and has the occassional meltdown, but for the most part he is very happy and playful.

He has come a long way since the days of being on a monitor 24 hours a day and needing all sorts of medicines and we couldn't feel more blessed and proud of him. He makes us laugh and surprises us every day with a new word or "trick". He does have to wear glasses which he doesn't like very much, but we hope he'll get more used to them as time goes on. He loves playing with his toys and books, but not as much as mommy and daddy's iPhone or iPad or anything else electronic for that matter.

It's hard to remember what life was like before him or what life would be like without him. He has made us better people and brings a smile to everyone who meets him. We love watching him grow and know that he'll do something amazing one day.

Thanks for reading and for all your prayers and support these last two years.

1 comment:

  1. Great update on your little dude! Happy birthday little man!
