Friday, December 18, 2009

"Really Bad Lungs"

Unfortunately, it's a phrase we've heard way too much these last 48 hours. It's been a really rough period for Luke. The doctors have been trying to explain to us that the problem that he's been having this week that is not getting any better is simply that his lungs are very premature and underdeveloped. Therefore he is not oxygenating or ventilating well.
 On Thursday they gave him a larger breathing tube which seemed to help temporarily, but hours later he was having troubles again. At around 1AM this morning (Friday), we received a call from his doctor with an update and things did not sound all. His voice lacked optimism and he wasn't giving straight answers to the really hard questions. Needless to say we headed to the hospital immediately and got there around 2am. What we were told is that he was "fighting" the ventilator, meaning by him trying to breath over it, he was in a way overexerting himself and defeating any benefit from the machine. The x-ray that they took late last night looked very bad and showed that the air sacs in both lungs were under-inflated. What they've done since is to mildly sedate him so that he is relaxed and they have full control over his breathing. He's currently on the maximum pressure setting on the ventilator, but as of this morning, he has been fairly stable at a 51% oxygen percentage, which is borderline, but acceptable. This morning's x-ray looked slightly better and they hope that by continuing the mild sedation and breathing control, the situation will continue to improve and they can drop the pressure levels. He is also being seen by a pediatric lung specialist who is supposed to do a full evaluation and get back to us later today or tomorrow.
Obviously this is a very difficult time for us. We know everyone is praying for Luke and all we ask is you continue to do so. We'll try to keep everyone posted as much as possible, in between trying to find time to sleep an hour here or there and eat, which is proving difficult.
We're staying positive and hopeful and we ask you all to do the same. Thank you.


  1. as always, my thoughts and prayers are with you guys and little lucas. he's a strong boy and a fighter. lots of love.

  2. Keep good thoughts! I know your exhausted and probably frustrated - keep looking up!

    Love, Ellen

  3. You all are constantly in our thoughts & prayers!!

  4. We are praying for little Luke! He is a fighter and will overcome this too. Love you!

  5. we have faith in god that he will get over this and continue to improve we love you all very much

    stephen katy and nicholas

  6. Lord, please watch over Luke and heal his little lungs. Also, please give Stacy and John the strength to get through this difficult time.

