Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bottom's Up

First off, our family meeting appointment that was supposed to happen on Tuesday was postponed to Friday due to the blizzard, so no news on that. But...
Today, Stacy and I had our first bottle feeding lesson with Luke and his specialists today. Feeding a baby a bottle never really looked to be that complicated and for most full-term babies, it's not, but with extreme preemies like Luke, there is a little more work involved.
Thankfully he's doing really well with it. We've got a smart boy on our hands. He's picking it up quickly and has been taking anywhere from 20 to 25ML's of his 34ML feedings the past two days by bottle. His real only problem is he's a fast eater and wants to drink it all at once and doesn't always remember to breathe once and awhile - which is where the lessons come in. Until he's bigger and gets better at it, we have to watch him carefully and do it in sort of a rhythmic fashion where we count a few seconds, tilt the bottle back, and so on.
Just the experience of giving him his first bottle as parents was pretty awesome. Just a few weeks ago, normal things like feeding him a bottle seemed so far away, but it's another sign that we're nearing the end of the NICU journey. His one nurse mentioned that his transfer over to the famous "Pod G" (also known as the "Feeders and Growers" room) could be soon and it's one of the last steps before getting sent home. His other nurse also gave us an envelope marked "Discharge Instructions", which contained a bunch of papers that made up sort of a "baby manual" that was written more for full-term babies, but still applies to us. All great things to see and hear...but we also know we're running out of time to finish his room. Time for us to get busy!


  1. That a boy Luke! All Hemmers eat too fast!

    Uncle Matt

  2. Good job Luke! He's going to be home before you know it. If you guys need any help with the room or anything else let me know.

  3. I remember seeing our grandson struggling with eating when he was in the NICU. He couldn't seem to get a hande on the suck-breathe rhythm, but eventually he caught on. He is a bright, active 10 year old today and loves to eat all kinds of food.
    If you'd like to connect with other parents of preemies and haven't found it yet, you may want to visit the March of Dimes community called Share Your Story:
    I hope Luke comes home soon.
