Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sooner Than We Thought...?

Well, we received some news yesterday from the doctors. Depending on the results of Luke's eye exam on Thursday, he could possibly come home as early as Friday, but more likely will come home over the weekend!
Chances are he will be coming home on oxygen, which means we'll be given a monitor and a small portable oxygen tank and Luke will remain on the canula while at home and we'll continue to wean him off of it here. We'll have to go through a short training session on the equipment as well. Thursday night we'll be participating in an infant CPR training class and Friday night we'll probably be doing what they call "Care By Parent", which is where we spend the night at the hospital in a special room where we'll take care of him by ourselves without any nurse assistance (unless needed) as sort of a practice run before he comes home.
If the eye exam on Thursday ends up showing that his eyes have continued to get worse, there is a good chance he would end up having a procedure done on Friday to correct it and would remain in the NICU for a few more days as he recovers from it.
We'll keep you all posted. We can't believe we're so close! Thanks again everyone.


  1. This is such exciting news. I was just thinking about you guys, my friend had twins the same week you had Luke and she has had her son home for a few weeks and just today she is able to bring her little girl home. It is just the most exciting wonderful thing in the world. You are so close it's almost here...Get ready for all the fun stuff!

  2. Amazing!! Exciting!! Wonderful!! Happy for you guys. Love ya!

  3. we hope that Little Luke gets to come home ASAP! Good Luck with your overnight you guys will all 3 do great!!
    ~Autumn, Jello, Josh and Hailey!

  4. That is wonderful news! Go Luke!!
